today was not good!! (not at all)
pagi2 gw udah gk semangat, hawa2 suram udah menyelubungi. seperti biasa gw ngobrol2 sm besties gw d lorong. pas itu firman lagi buka horoscope twitter, gw minta liatin aquarius, dan firman bacain, "BAD TEMPER".
oh gosh wtf. ciri2 dari pagi udah keliatan aja.
pagi itu gw gk semangat ngobrol sama anak2, cuma curhat sama kurt-nya 34 aja, firman. gk lama bel, pelajaran pertama gurunya telat, gw gk niat masuk. gw cuman duduk d beranda sambil dengerin mp3. empty sigh. suddenly there was my rubiks given by someone. he said "read this".
what? read? (gw kira gw salah denger karna pake mp3). but after i mentioned it for a while, i was smiling, ridiculous, it showed alphabet I L and U each on 2 sides. that was cool! and cute for his way ;)
i could smile for a moment, but still i felt little bit sad because i couldn't talk with him like i did with others, esp. aldo firman and iki.
in the end of class, i went out the class and suddenly he grabed (-ed ya?) my shoulder then kotiwesotsot me on the cothoteweewekot. shocked. but i was smiling and happy inside at the time.
dan ketika gw d perjalanan k GO sama inten, gw liat dia sama temen2nya. gw blank, cuman bisa "ha.. itu dia ten.." trus gw diem. abis itu inten bilang sesuatu k gw yg lalu membuat perasaan gw gk enak, ditambah lagi dg sms dari dia, bikin gw gk karuan.
dibilang marah, gw gk marah. gw juga gtw gw kenapa. but inten said my face turned into pale, then red on the cheek, stared down, and looked not calm. she tought i was jealous. but.. is she right? no comment.. about what i should ... . ? AAAAAAAAAAA!!! rasanya cuman gk karuan saat itu, gk bisa bales sms dia karna gtw mw bilang apa. sampe akhirnya dia nelpon gw dan lumayan membuat gw meluapkan perasaan gw. so, sekarang gw udah gk suram lagi! i'm sad because of you, i'm angry because of you, i'm mad because of you, but the one who can makes me smile and happy is also you!
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